Sunday, August 10, 2008


I suppose that you can see by my lack of updates that I will not be returning this blog, or any blog for that matter. I get no views, no comments, no anything and I feel like I am just writing to myself most of the time. I have tried to make my blog more popular, by asking other more popular bloggers about featuring me, but nobody even cared to reply. How stuck-up, really. One simple: "sorry, but I do not feature other bloggers" could have been fine....but no reply at all? That's horrible. I know that I would help out someone, espesscially if they updated everyday and wrote updated news (like I did). I tried my hardest, but now, I have finally given up.

Maybe I'll come back if I get some comments......
But I don't think I'll get any sooo good-bye everyone who is reading this.
You can still contact me at NicoleMarie17x3 on Stardoll.
- NicoleMarie

Sunday, August 3, 2008

T-Mobile Sidekick!!

Starting yesterday, now when you buy something from the Design Shop, you get a free virtual Sidekick! There's also a competition to win a sidekick with your custom design on it. I, myself, actually have a sidekick and I love it :]

Another YAY for Stardoll! =]

PS. My party is tomorrow!!!! Check below for more info. BEACH THEMED, 5PM EST. ( GuestBook of: NicoleMarie17x3. I hope to see you there!

Snaps for Stardoll!

Some new clothes have come in, and I actually like them! :]
This new bunch includes skinny jeans, a Pucci inspired top, some indian themed items such as a vest and sandals, and more. Below are some of the new items:

Yay for Stardoll! I think for once, they finally have thier heads screwed on right! ;]

TeenStyle is falling behind ...

I have just recently gone to check back and see if Teen Style was up yet. And to my surprise, it was. Well....not exactly. There was the table of contents and an article about "The Life of Rami, before, after, and during Project Runway." So, where's the rest of the magazine? Am I mistaken or wasn't it supposed to come out 3 days ago? Is it really "technical difficulties" or are they just not finished yet? If they keep uploading piece by piece, it's gonna take a looonnggg time for the whole magazine to finish. Readers have also been getting angry. There have been comments such as:

"i waited so long forthis piece o sh*t? you wouldn't know fashion if it bit you in the a$$" - mimi

"Umm where the fck is the rest of the magazine? Srsly, either put out something to read, hence it being called a "magazine" or don't put anything at all and call it "style_plagerized_picture" because that's all i see right now....kthx." - fdsfaf lol

To keep updated on the magazine:

"Let's hope this magazine is for all we waited for." - 3750 (stardoll name)


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kohl's Is Back!

As of right now, at 6:45PM EST, Kohl's has re-appered at the Starplaza!
But not with Candie's, instead with Abby Dawn by Avril Lavigne clothes.
I bought the plaid and black skirt, and a few tees. All of it is non-superstar, luckily for those out there who are non-superstars. I can't say that I LOVE this collection, because it's small and not really my style. But I can't say that I HATE it either, because I've seen worse. So hurry now and get your Abby Dawn clothes 'cause you never know when Kohl's is gonna disapear again!! :]

TeenStyle Cover Revealed!

Yesterday Teenstyle revealed it's front cover of the first issue.They had some technical difficulties (whatever that was), so just had to preview the cover. And I have to say, I like it. I love the whole graffiti idea with the colorful balloons. And xxdrivebylove looks great with the casual look. I can't wait to see what the whole issue is going to look like! :] And hopefully it will come out somewhat on time...

Keep checking back to see if it comes out:


Native American Collection.

So the new N.A. collection came out...what a bore. [haha, i sound british. =p] I mean, seriously, what has gotten into Stardoll these days!?!? So, just to make sure I got my point out about how utterly gross the new clothes were, I commented on each one of them for you :] CLICK TO ENLARGE!!!!!!!

So basically the only things I bought were the purple dress and the hotbuys( ugly, but I of course needed to buy it x] ). I also think the mocassin boots were cute, but c'mon, there so out. As for the rest, I really do wonder what the staff of Stardoll are doing.
Okay, and one more thing. The Indian Make-up? Has anyone else tried it on? Because it really does confuse me. Look at this: (CLICK TO ENLARGEN!!!!)

WTF?!?! i just don't get it. Is my computer messed up? Isn't the makeup supposed to be on your face, not on your body? Someone please help me! =p